

Why can’t FRIGAID® be applied directly at the time ex-factory time or be suggested to use from original manufacturer?

(1) FRIGAID®是一項高科技奈米技術,成本高會造成製造廠生產成本增加,而影響其銷售,一般製造廠意願不高。

FRIGAID® is the product of high-tech nanometer with high cost which would lead to an increase of manufacturing cost and influence on sales. Generally, manufacturer has no desire on it.


Chiller manufacturers are not willing to offer any guarantee to products of other manufacturers. Not to mention to have any advices .It’s their headquarter principle.


After selling chillers, manufacturer will offer a specified period of warranty. In order to clarify the responsibility of warranty, manufacturer will not suggest adding any other product into chillers.


Manufacturers oppose to have other cooperating manufacturers or non-specified manufacturers to check or adjust chiller system. Generally, they are in opposition position even asking customers to be unable to make any change or have an invalid warranty.


Manufacturer would sign a long maintenance contract with customers due to the decrease of heat transfer efficiency on refrigerant-side after 3 to 5 years operation. In addition to general maintenance, consumption of spare parts can make a considerable profit. After adding FRIGAID® into chillers, expenditure of electricity will be lowered with the decrease of COP and life span will be longer. Further, the maintenance expenditure will be lowered 30 to 50% and the time needed to alter refrigerant oil will be prolonged with the result that revenue of manufacturer will be reduced. It’s absolutely against their profit.

Q2.為何吸收式冰水主機不適用於FRIGAID®添加?Why is FRIGAID® not applicable to adsorption chiller?


Carbon Deposits(積碳)Contaminants(污染物)Stagnant oil (積滯的油漬)等油膜組織,不會形成阻礙熱交換器效率的絕緣層。由於FRIGAID®主要作用是清除分離沉積在金屬表面之油膜組織,提昇熱交換。因此FRIGAID®不適用於添加在吸收式的冰水機。

Adsorption chiller adopts LiBr as absorber and water as Freon instead of using common Freon and refrigerant oil and doesn’t contain compressor. After operating for a long time, there is no mixture of Freon and refrigerant oil flowing in chiller system. Therefore, no contamination adsorbs to metal surface in heat exchanger such as condenser, evaporator and pipeline.


Why is FRIGAID® a permanently-effective additive? It needs to be added once and another purchase is not necessary


(1) FRIGAID®是一種帶負電荷之活性極化分子0.5奈米(5×10-10)極微小分子,合成方法是極高難度的極化合成技術,形成強大負()電荷中心,因金屬是帶正(+)電荷, FRIGAID®為負電荷,使用兩者結合為一體,是一種電磁吸附,永久結合,不會發生脫附現象。

FRIGAID® is an active-polarized molecular with 0.5 nm in size and is produced by a high difficult polarized synthesis method to form a strong negative charge center. It is a kind of permanent magnetic adsorption to metal surface and is permanent.

(2)使用FRIGAID®後,將來更換冷凍油、冷媒後,不必再添加第二次,它會永久附著於熱交器金屬管壁上,且FRIGAID®極化分子會崁入金屬晶格間隙,形成一層分子鰭,猶如荷葉的絨毛, FRIGAID®分子比水分子還小,水分子不易與金屬表面產生接觸,可預防系統酸化現象。 FRIGAID®形成一層超微化學性導熱片,增加熱傳導效率,稱之為電磁式熱傳導。

After adding FRIGAID®, it is not necessary to purchase twice even though the refrigerant oil or Freon as been replaced. FRIGAID® polarized molecular will  insert into the metallic lattice to form a molecular thin film like the fluff on lotus leaves and acidification will be prevented due to its size which is smaller. Heat transfer will be enhanced due to higher thermal conduction and significant boiling heat transfer enhancement.

(3) FRIGAID®為單一化學極化分子,且為負電荷,不會相吸,僅會自動排列成一層保護膜。

FRIGAID® is a single chemical-polarized molecular carrying negative charge. It will form a protection layer automatically and will not adsorb each other.

(4) FRIGAID®帶負電荷,金屬帶正電荷,對金屬正、負相吸,比冷凍油更具親和性,且分子比系統內之積碳、污染物,積滯油還小,可分離該油漬,使金屬表面積滯油膜,不再形成。

FRIGAID® is negatively charged opposite to the metal surface so to have a adsorption phenomenon. Comparing with refrigerant oil, it has a stronger affinity. Its molecular size is smaller than accumulated carbon, contamination and stagnant oil in the system so that it can separate oil stains to keep metal surface from forming oil film.

(5) FRIGAID®是一種鹵素,比碳氫化合物冷凍油對金屬界面附著凡得瓦力(Van Der Waals)作用,還要更高吸附作用。即FRIGAID®更能吸附金屬界面。不被作任何移動,形成永久性保護膜。

FRIGAID® is a kind of halogen and is more adsorptive than hydrocarbon refrigerant oil which owns Van Der Waals force to metal surface. It can form a permanent protection film and cannot be removed.

(6) FRIGAID®是一種高傳導性極化分子,完全取代了非傳導性之油膜,絕緣層。提升熱交器、熱交換能力。

FRIGAID® is a polarized molecular with high conduction ability. It can replace non-conductive oil film and insulation layer to improve heat exchange efficiency of heat exchanger.

How much does the oil film on surface of heat transfer in frozen and air-condition system have influence on efficiency decay?


依據美國冷凍空調協會ASHRAE 的研究報告,冷凍與空調系統熱傳表面積滯的油污,會在第一年導致7%的效率損失,第二年則是5%,以後則是每年2%。而這種效率損失的情形是不斷的持續累積,使得冷凍空調的性能不斷下降,浪費了可觀的電力成本。直到形成的油邊界層達到其最大厚度時,將產生最大的效率損失。一般而言,這種效率的下降有時會高達20~30%。依據ASHRAE的看法,由於潤滑油有內表面上的增生,使用了20年以上的系統最高可達到40%的效率損失。

According to the report of ASHRAE, the oil stains on the surface of frozen and air-condition system will lead to 7% and 5% loss of efficiency for the first and second year respectively. Afterwards, it leads 2% loss per year. The continuously accumulated loss of efficiency will allow a continuous drop of performance of air-condition system to waste the budget of electricity. As the thickness of oil film reaches its maximum value, a maximum loss of efficiency will occur. Generally, the loss will reach 20 to 30%. It is mentioned that a maximum loss of efficiency will reach 40% after operating over 20 years.

Q5. FRIGAID®是否可與所有冷凍油相容?Is FRIGAID® compatible with all refrigerant oil?

FRIGAID®是能相容的,並可隨時與所有標準冷凍油混合,因為FRIGAID®與標準冷凍油皆以奈油為基礎。 FRIGAID®亦可與合成油相容及混合。

FRIGAID® is compatible with all standard refrigerant oil because FRIGAID® and all standard refrigerant oil are napthentic oil based. FRIGAID® is compatible and mixable with synthetic oil.

Q6.適用溫度範圍如何呢?What’s the suitable temperature range for FRIGAID® to use?

-93450 溫度都可適用。From -93 to 450

Q7. FRIGAID®添加是否要停機?Do one need to shut down the chiller plant during  FRIGAID® addition?


Shutdown is not needed while adding FRIGAID®. Chiller Unit can keep on running.

Q8. FRIGAID®對冷凍、冷藏系統有何效益?What benefit does FRIGAID® have toward low-temperature system?

回油問題一直是冷凍廠心中的痛, FRIGAID®就是可以將回油問題解決,而提升冷凍能力,因潤滑能力增加1500%,可解決失油及潤滑不足避免壓縮機損壞。

FRIGAID® can solve the oil return problem , especially in low-temperature refrigeration systems where refrigerant flow rate is low. The replaced oil returns to the compressor, preventing form burning-out.

Q9. FRIGAID®是否在新機時就添加效果會更好?Is it a good choice for FRIGAID® to be added in a new chiller?


Yes, it can keep the best efficiency for a new chiller. Not only prolong the life of chiller but also reducing the cost of maintenance resulted from formation of oil film in heat exchanger.